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Starting in 1769, Spain built a chain of 21 missions across the length of 上加利福尼亚圣地亚哥 to 索诺玛——作为在新领域获得立足点的一种方式. 加州的传教时代于1834年结束, but you can still see the architectural legacy that endures in the state’s red tile roofs, 粉刷墙壁, 拱形的柱廊, 还有钟楼.

这些任务大约建造于 相隔30英里——骑马大约需要一天的路程,总共650英里. All 21 of them are open to visitors and feature a gift shop and 博物馆, 大多数教堂在星期天(甚至每天)举行弥撒。. Read on to learn the unique features to see at each mission, listed here from south to north.

1. 圣迭戈德阿尔卡莱教堂圣地亚哥

建于1769年,1931年全面修复, this mission has a striking 46-foot-tall tower (campanario) holding five bells, 最大的重量为1,200磅. Information signs guide visitors through the bougainvillea-covered buildings and immaculate 花园. 每天都举行弥撒; 导游 可以提前申请吗.

2. 圣路易·雷·德·弗兰西亚老教堂,海边

被称为“任务之王”,” San Luis Rey is set within a six-acre central square and marked by an octagonal dome atop the building. 一个巨大的 lavanderia或露天洗衣房,现在是一个华丽的下沉式花园. 看看铺着瓷砖的楼梯, 石头池, and carved gargoyles that once spouted water from their mouths. California’s first pepper tree, planted in 1830, grows in the mission’s plaza.

3. 圣胡安卡皮斯特拉诺教堂圣胡安卡皮斯特拉诺

每年三月,小镇 圣胡安·卡皮斯特拉诺 welcomes the return of migrating swallows that spend most of the year in the mission before flying 6,前往阿根廷过冬. 取一个 导游或语音导览 更多地了解卡皮斯特拉诺燕子. 之后, walk across the railway tracks of the Capistrano Depot and you’ll find yourself in California’s oldest neighborhood: the 洛斯里奥斯区. The houses here date back to 1794, and were constructed to house mission builders and ranch workers. Today they serve as private residences, shops, and restaurants. 

4. 圣盖博Arcángel圣盖博谷

This fortress-like mission boasted a 170-acre vineyard, the largest in the mission chain. 它的大鼓里有六个铃铛,是1795年最古老的. Highlights: the altar framed by a large round skylight and the hand-hammered copper baptismal font from King Carlos III of Spain.

5. 圣费尔南多雷伊传教会España,观澜湖,圣费尔南多谷

19世纪50年代, 渴望淘金的勘探者把教堂的地板挖了好几次, 财宝肯定埋在下面. 精心照料的建筑和场地包括一座修道院, 酒庄, 花园, 有20个拱门的柱廊. 演员鲍勃·霍普和其他L.A. 名人都葬在公墓里.

6. 圣布埃纳文图拉老教堂,文图拉

A hand-built masonry aqueduct brought water seven miles from the Ventura River to “The Mission by the Sea.” At its most prosperous, this small mission had a herd of more than 41,000 livestock. 不要错过这个华丽的瓷砖喷泉, 不对称的钟楼有五个钟, 还有棕榈树环绕的花园.

7. 圣巴巴拉老教会圣巴巴拉

加州唯一一座拥有双钟楼的教堂使团女王以一座宏伟的摩尔式喷泉为特色, 壮观的玫瑰园, 以及18世纪90年代的鲍鱼镶壳丘马什祭坛. 原渡槽的一部分至今仍被该市使用 圣芭芭拉分校.

8. Old Mission Santa insamims, Solvang

Manicured 花园 and well-preserved paintings and wall frescoes make this one of the most charming and colorful missions on this list. 该博物馆收藏了大量19世纪的丝绸法衣. Golden grasses and oak-covered hills frame the view from the chapel entrance. 

9. Misión La Purísima Concepción De María Santísima,隆波克

Now a state historic park, this mission is the most completely restored of the chain. Ten of the original buildings remain, including the church, blacksmith shop, and living quarters. Hiking and equestrian trails lace the 1,928-acre grounds, where ranch animals graze. Docent demonstrations and living history events take place frequently. 

10. 圣路易斯·奥比斯波·德·托洛萨传教会圣路易斯奥比斯波

In 1776, several Native Americans hostile toward the mission shot flaming arrows onto the thatched roof, 促使传教士们学习制作粘土屋顶瓦. 红瓦屋顶很快成为了教堂的标配. Surrounded by a bustling downtown plaza and a lush garden of fruit trees and grapes, 教堂的土坯墙壁装饰着具有数百年历史的艺术品.  

11. 圣米格尔传教会圣米格尔

This National Historic Landmark houses colorful wall frescoes that were painted by Native Americans in 1821. Walk through the shaded colonnade, which contains 12 arches of different sizes and shapes. An elegant fountain and a 西班牙语 cannon dating back to 1697 are surrounded by 30 species of cacti, 玫瑰, 橄榄树.

12. 圣安东尼奥帕多瓦传教会, Jolon, Fort Hunter Liggett

A land donation from William Randolph Hearst left this mission’s countryside setting untouched. Its pristine location and well-curated 博物馆 make it one of the best to visit. Listen to mission-period music and visit the fruit orchard and grape-crushing vat.

13. Nuestro Señora de la Soledad,孤独

被称为“运气不好的任务”,“这个地方有过不愉快的流行病历史, 洪水, 农作物歉收. Left in ruins for nearly a century, the building was beautifully restored in 1954. 参观质朴的小教堂和整洁的玫瑰园.  

14. 圣Carlos Borromeo del Rio Carmelo教堂,卡梅尔

漫步在原画和雕像之间, 巨大的圣水喷泉, 鹅卵石路径, and flower-filled courtyards in this gorgeous Moorish-style mission. Museum exhibits focus on daily aspects of mission life—furniture, tools, and clothing. Father Junipero Serra, who founded 9 of the 21 missions, is buried under the sanctuary.

15. 圣胡安包蒂斯塔老教堂圣胡安包蒂斯塔

位于圣胡安包蒂斯塔的老西部店面, this mission lies right next to the San Andreas earthquake fault. 这座巨大的教堂有三条过道和一座宏伟的圣坛. 寻找地砖上的动物爪印. Film buffs will recognize this mission from the 1958 Hitchcock thriller 眩晕 

16. La Exaltacion de La Santa Cruz圣克鲁斯

The original 1795 adobe church was destroyed by an earthquake in 1857, 然后在1931年重建,规模不到原来的一半. The gift shop/博物馆 houses a collection of antique silk vestments sewn with silver and gold thread.

17. 圣克拉拉教会Asís圣克拉拉

这是西班牙国王卡洛斯四世的礼物, Santa Clara’s mission bell has rung faithfully every evening since 1798. 这座重建的教堂坐落在 圣克拉拉大学 校园. 在花园里漫步,可以看到一棵有着150年历史的紫藤, 古董的玫瑰, 还有一棵在传教时期用来制作葡萄酒软木塞的软木塞树.

18. 圣何塞德瓜达卢佩教会弗里蒙特,

取一个 self-guided tour of the reconstructed mission building (the 1797 original was leveled in an 1868 earthquake) and check out the antique 西班牙语 pipe organ. A small 博物馆 has fascinating exhibits on the California rancho period and the mission’s fruit and olive oil production. 

19. 旧金山传教会Asís,旧金山

由于附近的一条小溪,这个任务被称为“多洛雷斯任务” 旧金山它是美国最古老的完整建筑,可以追溯到1776年. 在导游的带领下,90分钟的游览将探索这个任务, 博物馆, 玫瑰花园, 而墓地则有5个以上,000名美洲原住民和加利福尼亚拓荒者被埋葬. Noteworthy: the basilica’s dazzling stained glass windows, which depict all 21 missions. 

20. 圣拉斐尔传教会Arcángel圣拉斐尔

内置阳光 圣拉斐尔 作为加州的第一家医院, this mission served ailing Native Americans stationed at damp and foggy Mission 旧金山. 这座建筑是1949年原建筑的复制品, but its 博物馆 contains historic artifacts including three of the original mission bells.

21. 旧金山德索拉诺传教会,索诺玛

The last mission built in California was masterminded by an overly ambitious padre who acted without church approval. Now part of a state historic park, this rustic mission sits on 索诺玛市中心的广场 紧挨着美食餐厅和高档精品店. Don’t miss the watercolor paintings and the replanted 19th-century garden filled with cactus 橄榄树.



